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Bone Grafting

Bone graft done on the upper jaw with an implant.Bone grafting is most commonly used as part of dental implant treatment. It is often necessary when teeth are being removed to preserve the existing bone or to replace bone that has already been lost.

There are several reasons for jaw bone loss:


Periodontal Disease

- Periodontal disease is a bacterial process that affects and may permanently damage the bone that supports the teeth. Affected areas progressively worsen until the teeth become loose and unstable.


Tooth Extraction

- When a tooth is extracted, the bone that supported it no longer has a reason to be there and is not stimulated. Like a muscle that is not used, the bone can shrink, with noticeable bone loss within a few months, resulting in a "bone defect".


Injuries and Infections

- Dental injuries often result in damage to supporting bone, causing the bone to recede.. Infections can also cause bone destruction, resulting in a defect.

Reasons for bone grafts

Bone grafting is generally a highly successful procedure. It can increase the height or width of the jawbone and fill in voids and defects in the bone, to allow for successful dental implant placement.

There are generally two main categories of bone grafts, preservation grafts and restorative grafts:


Preservation grafts

- Bone preservation grafts are among the most straight-forward grafts. They are typically done at the time of tooth extraction, especially when dental implant replacement is planned. A bone preservation graft, often referred to as a "socket graft" can prevent the typical shrinkage that occurs after a tooth is extracted.


Restorative grafts

- Restorative grafts are required when there is an existing defect in the jaw that does not allow for successful dental implant placement. This can be due to shrinkage from missing teeth (atrophy), cysts, tumors and other jaw diseases, and defects form infections. Depending on the location and size of the defect, may recommend ome of several available grafting options.


Sinus lift

- The bones of the upper jaw that are found above the back teeth (premolars and molars) contain a natural cavity that is filled with air. These hollow spaces are called the sinuses, and they are lined by a special membrane. As we get older, our sinuses get larger, often encroaching upon the back teeth, and especially into areas where upper back teeth have been lost. When this occurs, there may not be a suffcient amount of bone available for the placement of dental implants. In these cases, Dr. Karras may recommend a procedure known as a sinus lift. In this procedure, the sinus is entered below the lining membrane. The membrane is gently raised to create a space above the missing teeth, and bone graft material is placed to fill the space. This bone is incorporated into the area, allowing the successful placement of dental implants after adequate healing.


Guided bone regeneration

- When atrophy has already occurred and the amount of remaining bone is not suffcient for the placement of dental implants, guided bone regeneration (GBR) may be recommended. GBR techniques use special membranes or titanium mesh to contain bone graft materials and guide the shape and size of the bone to be restored. After adequate healing, dental implants can then be placed to complete the reconstruction


Block grafts

- When atrophy has already occurred and the amount of remaining bone is not suffcient for the placement of dental implants, block bone grafts may be recommended. Block grafting involves removing small, rectangular pieces of bone from one area of the jaw and transplanting them to the area where implant placement is planned. The technique of block grafting is particularly useful for reconstructing areas where the bone is too thin to accommodate implants, or where bone height has been lost. The transplanted bone is secured to the new site with tiny titanium screws until it heals into the new location and becomes part of the existing bone. Dental implants can then be placed to complete the reconstruction.

There are several bone graft materials that can be used. Dr. Karras will determine the best type for your particular condition.


Autogenous Bone Graft

- Harvested from the patient's own body (usually from the posterior part of the lower jaw or the chin). This method is used when live bone material is needed to ensure the success of the graft. It can be in the form of block grafts or bone shavings, collected with special instruments.


Allograft Bone Graft

- This bone is derived from organ donors that have been carefully screened. The donor bone is sterilized and processed, leaving the bioactive materials that are necessary for graft healing. When allograft bone is used, it is eventually replaced with your body's own natural bone.



- This is bone mineral derived from a bovine source, and functions in a manner similar to allograft bone. In some circumstances, a specially processed bovine bone is used that maintains bone volume long term.



- BMP, or Bone Morphogenic Protein is a naturally occurring protein found in our bones, in very small amounts. It has been isolated and genetically engineered for production. BMP will signal stem cells to grow new bone and can be used successfully to reconstruct larger defects where there is very litle of the patient's own bone remaining.

The bone grafting procedure can often take several months to complete. Grafted bone will fuse with the existing bone and the migration of cells will cause firm adhesion and cell growth. Supplementing the jaw with bone will result in greater bone mass to help support and anchor the implant(s).
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(224) 341-5517


Mon - Thu: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Friday: 8:00am - 3:00pm
Saturday: Closed

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Bone Grafting in Morton Grove, IL
Advanced bone grafting techniques for optimal oral health in Morton Grove. Prepare your smile for future restoration.
Advanced Center Oral Surgery, 5818 Dempster St., Morton Grove, IL 60053 • (224) 341-5517 • • 1/26/2025 • Related Terms: dental implants Morton Grove IL •